The marine superfood that has up to ten times more calcium than milk

The marine superfood that has up to ten times more calcium than milk

The foods that are part of our daily diet are those that determine the quality of our health present and future. It is for this reason that health specialists recommend carrying out a feeding healthy, away from junk food and avoiding high levels of fats and sugars.

In general, foods of natural origin are the most recommended due to the properties they offer due to their content of nutrients, vitamins, fibers, proteins and minerals. All of these components are necessary for our body to function properly and our immune system to remain strengthened.

Experts at the Mayo Clinic Institute highlight calcium among the minerals that our body needs. They claim that it is an important element for bone health and proper functioning of the nerves, heart and muscles. And although there are calcium supplements, they point out that the best way to obtain it is through food.

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